Last Online Khabar (Nepal) : Overland arrives in Nepal. And here, the expeditioner explains highs and lows of his trip

(…) “How is the car?

It’s good. Oxford is 64 years old. She has no power steering, no disk brake, no air conditioning, very very poor windscreen wipers which I have realised in the past few days. And she leaks through the roof and she’s drafty. But by god, she is fun to drive. I call her ‘she’ because Tim always called her ‘she’. He called this car the old lady.

I feel this car has a personality that you get to know gradually and that’s wonderful because this isn’t a normal car. You’re not protected from the environment. You feel the road, you feel the weather, it’s noisy and it’s hard work because you have to concentrate. It makes the journey more fun I’d say.”(…)

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